Tabu Ley, one of Africa's greatest musicians
Tabu Ley and Afrisa Songs Translated
Boya Ye by Mbilia Bel (Translation and Lyrics)
La beauté d’une femme by Mbilia Bel (Lyrics and Translation)
Yamba Ngai by Mbilia Bel (Lyrics and Translation)
Le glas a sonné by Tabu Ley (Lyrics and Translation)
Faux Pas by Mbilia Bel (Lyrics and Translation)
Lisanga ya Bambanda by Mbilia Bel (Translation and Lyrics)
Muzina by Tabu Ley (Lyrics and translation)
Lettre à Mr. Le Directeur General (Lyrics and Translation)
Mobali Na Ngai Wana – Mbilia Bel (Lyrics – Translation)
Maze by Tabu Ley (Translated)
Eswi yo wapi by Mbilia Bel (Translated)
Mbilia Bel still very beautiful in her 50s
Faux Pas by Mbilia Bel
General song translations
Boya Ye by Mbilia Bel (Translation and Lyrics)
Radio Trottoir by Simaro and TPOK Jazz (Translation and Lyrics)
Matata ya mwasi na mobali by Franco & TPOK Jazz (Translation and Lyrics)
Merci Bapesaka na Mbwa by Simaro & TPOK Jazz (Lyrics and Translation)
Ebale ya Zaire by Simaro (Lyrics and Translation)
Kita Mata Bloque by Josky Kiambukuta and TPOK Jazz (Lyrics and Translation)
La beauté d’une femme by Mbilia Bel (Lyrics and Translation)
Mangasa by Simaro and TPOK Jazz (Lyrics and Translation)
Articles on Tabu Ley and Afrisa International
Georgette Mowana alias Tété, Tabu Ley’s first wife
Jeanne Mokomo Miss Zaire 1969, Mother of Tabu Ley’s children
The concept of Nzonzing in Congolese Music
Biography of Michelino Mavatiku Visi
Picture of some of Tabu Ley’s 104 children
Tabu Ley has died