Franco made his professional debut at age 12
with a group known as Watam that was led by
Paul Ebengo Dewayon. By his late teens,
Franco was already a sensation in Zairean
music circles

When TPOK Jazz
was formed in 1956, the band leader was not
Franco. It was Jean Serge Essous who is
pictured here on the left. Essous played the
Clarinet. On the right is another founder
member of TPOK Jazz Rossignol who was the
After leaving TPOK Jazz, Essous went on to
found influential bands such as Les Bantous
dela Capitale and Ry-Co Jazz
 Original TPOK Jazz members:
- Nicolas Bosuma aka "Dessoin",
originally a rythm guitarist and later
played conga drums
- Daniel Loubelo, popularly known as "De La Lune" (Of the Moon)
- Singer Vicky Longomba who was lead vocalist
and seen by many as the leader when Essous
- Edo Nganga was a vocalist
- Singer Celestin Kouka who also played the
- Far right is Franco who at this time had not
assumed leadership of the band

By 1963 the band had grown to over twenty
members and Franco had taken over as band

 Lutumba Simaro pictured on the far left,
first joined TPOK Jazz in 1961, left in the
same year and returned in 1963
Next to him is Hubert 'Djeskin' Dihunga, a
singer who was recruited by Vicky Longomba

One of the most prominent members of TPOK
Jazz in the 1960s was the Zimbabwean
saxophonist Musekiwa Isaac. Musekiwa
joined TPOK Jazz in 1957 and stayed on until
Franco's passing in 1989
Next to him is Albino Kalombo, a
multi-instrumentalist who mostly played
saxophone. His stay at OK Jazz was brief.

Vicky Longomba centre) was the nominal
leader of TPOK Jazz until he abidated that
role by accompanying Grand Kalle and Africa
Jazz to the Ronde Table talks for
independence in 1960. He returned to TPOK
Jazz in 1962. He was for many years the Vice
President of TPOK Jazz before he fell out
with Franco again in 1970.

Vocalist Kwami Munsi was recruited to fill
the gap left by the departure of Vicky
Longomba in 1960. But Kwamy was a real
troublemaker. Once during Franco's absence,
he convinced 9 members of TPOK Jazz to leave
and join a band aptly named Orchestre
Revolution. A livid Franco then released a
song called Chicotte which means
"whip", Kwamy retaliated by releasing a song
called Faux Millionaire in
reference to Franco

In the late
1960s, TPOK Jazz like many other Zairean bands,
were forcibly recruited to be the official band
of the then ruling party led by Mobutu Sese
Seko. The party was known as MPR (Mouvement
populaire de la Révolution)) In this picture, TPOK Jazz dressed in MPR
uniforms, perform at a MPR pilitical rallyy From left: Dele Pedro, Musekiwa Isaac, Celi
Bitschou, Lola Checain and Youlou Mabialaa