Franco & TP OK discography

Browse History
Genesis of TPOK Jazz
The 1960s
The Early 1970s
The Late 1970s
The Early 1980s
The Mid 1980s
The Late 1980s
After Franco
Profiles of Ok Jazz alumni


Franco & TP OK Jazz discography page 1

Franco & TP OK Jazz discography page 2

Franco and TP OK Jazz discography page 3

Franco and TP OK Jazz discography page 4

Bana OK discography

Madilu System discography

Josky Kiambukuta Discography

Ntesa Dalienst Discography

Youlou Mabiala Discography

Following Franco's death, the body was flown back home accompanied by family and band members. Because Franco was so much ingrained into the fabric of society, many Zaireans mourned his death more than they would that of a blood relative. Thousands of mourners massed the airport as the hearse arrived and many more lined the streets of Kinshasa to watch as the hearse which was now covered in the national flag passed through the streets escorted by a parade