Gilbert Youlou Mabiala, Souza Vangu, Kamikaze Loningisa, somo somo, TPOK Jazz
As of 2019, Youlou was still undergoing an intense rehabilitation program, while living at his sisters home in Sevran, a suburb of Paris. His wife Helen, popularly known as “Mama Leni”, who is one of Franco’s 16 daughters is still by his side.

Mabiala is pictured here in a photo taken around 2016 with guitarist Mose se Fan Fan with whom he played in TPOK Jazz in the early 1970s. Mose Fan Fan passed on in 2019 in Nairobi
Motema na ngai television, 100% de percentage, Loufou Lakari,Infraction, Le Verdict, Mwana Ya Luambo, UCB, Bantous De La Capitale, Josky Kiambukuta. Mama Leni, Helen Luambo, Vicky Longomba, Celi Bitchou, Loko Masengo, Mose Se Fan Fan and Michel Boyibanda. , Brazaville music, Sassou Nguesso, nzonzing, Verkys, “Souza Vangou”, Serge Kiambukuta, 100% de percentage, Zua Ebimi Maseke and Confiance.
Youlou Mabiala Discography |
Wow Mabiala is one of my best in o.k jazz,his wonderful voice is soothing to my heart,i feel so young wen Youlou is a chanter,though i’m 26yrs but missing u live on stage.Wishing quick recovery to Youlou.Writting from Nairobi Kenya.
Il love this guy.
Mabalia Gillbert Youlou was amongst others, Sam Manguana, Mose Fan Fan, Kiamangana Mateta, Josky Kiambukuta, Dombe Opetum, Dr. Nicko, Bavo Marie Marie, Soki Vangu, Tabuley Roucherou and Franco Luambo himself the best musicians i love with all my heart. It was difficult to determine wich among these artistes was the best. But I know the best of best among these gifted artistes was just all of them.
I like the songs of mabiala thanks he is alive
Point finale is my wife’s favourite song. Chemin D’avenir is my favourite, he sung it in praise of President Denniss Nguesso
What a singer!
A great singer indeed
I really like like his hits the likes of Asuman and others,I hope The Prince is doing well. (Mike)
Google brought me here after I decided to learn more about Youlou. Yesterday (24.07.2022) while ironing clothes for the week, I listened to Ndoyo ya Souci and Emoa-Nkana on Sportify. The way the tunes flow, Youlou’s lead vocal, and the chorus just made my day.
Ndoyi ya ba Soucis is an excellent selection. Whomever played lead guitar on that song deserves a standing ovation.
Thanks for singing Marceline